Mental Health Is Trending

I’ve heard it said that it seems as though everyone online claims to have a mental health issue these days. Tiktok has become a huge platform for users to share their stories about their own mental health diagnoses. But is it really just a trend train that people seem to be jumping on for attention and clout? Or is it something more. 

I’m reminded of awareness campaigns such as the Ice Bucket Challenge and the many varieties of colorful awareness ribbons. In the past, countless campaigns promoted awareness of their causes on emerging social media platforms. It could be said that with the increase of people sharing their stories about their own mental health, raising awareness has worked. Social media users are no longer afraid to talk about what it’s like to be them, perhaps because awareness campaigns have done their jobs. That’s great for others who aren’t yet ready to open up about what struggles they go through. But at least now they will find that they aren’t alone. 

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Mindful Monday


Ten Types of TikTok Lives