TikTok Tips Tuesdays

TikTok Tip 1️⃣: Understand how the TikTok algorithm works

The TikTok algorithm determines which videos are shown to which users.

It is important you understand the TikTok algorithm because it can affect how well your videos perform, how many people see them, and how much engagement they receive.

The algorithm takes into account a variety of factors, the information in your videos (such as captions, hashtags, and effects), your user engagement history (likes, comments, and follows), and account settings (such as location and language).

Of these factors, the information in your videos is the one you have the most control over. This is why you need to make sure to follow the tips below.

TikTok Tip 2️⃣: Find your content niche and stick with it

To optimize your TikTok content, it's essential to choose a specific topic or niche.

Experimenting with videos across different categories can set you back, so when you find your niche, stick with it. Narrowing down your niche will also help you attract a more specific audience, so don't be afraid to get too specific.

By focusing on a particular area, you will establish authority in that vertical and your content will be more likely to be seen by your target audience.

Take for example the famous TikToker Chiara King. With over 3M subscribers on the platform, Chiara became viral by posting funny and relatable videos about boys, dating and relationships.

TikTok Tip 3️⃣: Follow a clear structure in your videos

If you're new to TikTok and aren't sure how to begin, it can be helpful to adopt a narrative structure that has been successful in the past with other brands.

Using a specific framework is crucial as it clearly conveys the essential components needed to motivate viewers to engage.

A recommended structure to follow is:

  • Hook

  • Product in use

  • Social proof by including reviews

  • Before vs. after

  • Solving a problem

  • Clear CTA

The "hook" at the beginning of the video captures the viewer's attention and makes them want to keep watching.

Showing the product in use allows the viewer to see how it works and the benefits it provides. Including social proof, such as reviews, helps to build trust and credibility with the viewer.

Showing the "before and after" demonstrates the effectiveness of the product. By solving a problem, it highlights the value of the product and how it can improve the viewer's life.

And finally, a clear call-to-action (CTA) encourages the viewer to take action and make a purchase.

Overall, this framework helps to make the video more persuasive and increase the chances of conversion.

TikTok Tip 4️⃣: Start with a trending hook

In the fast-paced world of TikTok, it's essential to capture your viewer's attention immediately. If you don't, they may quickly move on to the next video on their endless scroll.

To avoid this, start your videos with a hook that entices your target audience to stay and watch.

A strong opening in the first few seconds can make all the difference. In fact, 63% of all successful ads on TikTok have their main campaign message clearly presented in the first three seconds of their video.

Enhance your TikTok strategy with our compilation of effective and popular hooks. Check them out:

  • My secret hack for [result of using the product]

  • I wish I knew about [product/brand] sooner

  • 3 reasons why you need [product] in 2023

  • I tried [product] so you don’t have to

  • Why [product] broke the internet

  • This is your sign to buy [product]

  • TikTok made me buy/try this

  • Wait! I wanna show you something

  • If you’re like me and [insert action], then this is for you

  • Guys, this works so well! [show end results, then problem + pain]

  • This is your reminder to [insert action]

  • [This product] is a game changer

  • 3 must-haves for [target audience]/[this season]

  • Online finds you’ll simply adore

  • Here’s my go-to [solution] for [problem]

  • The BEST [product] I’ve ever used for [problem]

  • This [product] will blow your mind!

  • 3 things I wish I knew earlier about [solution to problem]

  • If you [struggle with problem], you need to hear this!

  • TikTok finds you NEED to hear about

  • I bet you didn’t know this

  • I don’t know who needs to hear this but …

TikTok Tip 5️⃣: Try to post often & stay consistent

To be successful on TikTok, it is important to consistently post new content.

Aim to upload at least one video every day, or multiple times a day if possible. This will increase your visibility and make it more likely that your videos will appear in people's "For You" feeds.

Keep in mind that quality should not be compromised for quantity, and make sure that your content is relevant to your followers and target audience.

Rather than creating new content every day, you can save time by filming a week’s worth of TikToks in a single day and then share it day by day.

TikTok Tip 6️⃣: Eat & breathe pop culture

Even its most dedicated users are aware that there is more to the world than just TikTok.

Many TikTok users are interested in current events and keeping up to date with what's happening in the world around them.

TikTok’s format offers a great opportunity to quickly share perspectives and insights on current events and popular culture.

This doesn't just have to be limited to news, you can also make videos expressing your thoughts on a favorite movie or TV show.

TikTok Tip 7️⃣: Don’t wait too long to jump on trends

The popularity of a trend can quickly wane.

If you wait too long to recreate the trend, it may no longer be relevant or interesting to viewers.  

By jumping on a trend early, you can also gain an advantage over your competition, as there will be fewer videos using that trend, which can increase the chances of their video standing out.

TikTok Tip 8️⃣: Stitch trending TikTok videos

Stitch on TikTok is like a magic wand that lets you blend another video into yours.

It's a great way to team up with other TikTok-ers, showcase user-generated content, and expand your reach.

To use it, you can either search for trending videos in your niche using keywords or look for videos that mention your brand.

Once you find a video that catches your eye, tap the Share icon and select Stitch. This will open an editing tool where you can select a five-second clip to add to your video and create a new video that is more engaging and interactive.

TikTok Tip 9️⃣: Get creative with the green screen effect

The green screen filter allows you to remain on screen while different images appear in the background, enhancing your storytelling by incorporating visual aids.

This can be particularly useful for explaining topics, providing recommendations, sharing your opinion, or any time when visuals can complement your story.

TikTok Tip 1️⃣0️⃣: Show real humans in your content

The app's focus on its creators is a major selling point, and most popular videos on the platform feature real people.

TikTok's emphasis on creators, combined with its user-friendly editing features, makes it a platform where videos created by real people have the potential to go viral.

Incorporating real people in your TikTok content can help to build trust and credibility, foster deeper connections with the audience, bring a unique perspective and creativity to their content, and increase the chances of their message resonating with their audience.

Starbucks’ TikTok strategy relies heavily on the human factor. The brand leverages user-generated content (UGC) to amplify customer voices but also create a sense of community and engagement with their audience.


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