Thankful Thursday

Guess what? Yes, it's that day of the week again. Thankful Thursday. A day to look back on the previous days that you conquered and a day that has gotten much closer to the weekend. Give yourself a pat on the back. You made it through despite any trials and obstacles that may have come your way. Be Thankful you had the strength and will power to push through. That's what makes you so awesome and a true warrior. Just tell yourself when you begin to become overwhelmed," I can do this, I've done it before" and don't let anything or anyone stand in your way. You can accomplish ANYTHING you set your mind to. Be thankful to those that inspired you and helped you push through. Every time you utilize your inner strength you will be able to meet any goal set before you. You are a winner. You are a champion! Above all, No matter what .............


Written by Desert Storm Vet.Londini


Fun Friday


Whats Happening in the Movement