Thankful Thursday

Good Morning and welcome to another Thankful Thursday. I hope that you have an amazing day.

We have made it through another week and today's message is simple but profound. Be thankful every chance that you get. Not because life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as you had anticipated, but because you choose to be happy and grateful for all the good things you do have and all the problems you know you don't have. I know that we often forget to be thankful for all the things we do have but when you stop to think of so many people who don't even have half of what you do. 

I hope that you will find a way to bless someone else as you go about our day because one simple act of kindness can trickle through tons of people. I hope that you have found value in this message and I hope that you have the most amazing day. I look forward to seeing you next week , remember to always be kind as it costs nothing.  If you see someone without a smile give them yours you really don't know whose life you could change.

Written by: Beautifulchaos318 


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