Motivational Monday

Good morning, we have made it to another beautiful Monday.   I hope that you had an amazing and an enjoyable weekend and took some time to unplug from your electronics, spend time with your family and friends and get back into nature.

Today while out shopping I stopped by my local Walmart to get a few things and of course the lines were crazy long as usual but I chose to stand in line and wait for the ability to cash out with one of my favorite elderly cashiers who are employed here at our store. Now the lady in front of me wasn't being very kind but I patiently waited and when it was my turn to cash out I made it a point to make sure my cashier knew just how valuable she was and how much I loved seeing her when I came to shop. She told me thank you for being so kind and she went one to tell me that they don't make people like us anymore and how she wished more people were as nice as I was. 

As I walked away I just started thinking of how much better my life got when I realized that I didn't have to be nice to everyone. Nice got be stressed out, ran over and disrespected.  I am not not nice I am just a good person with a heart of gold and a servant's attitude there is a big difference. 

Today I want to give you some inspiration and motivation to stop being so nice to everyone, letting them walk all over you and take advantage of  your kindness. It's ok to put yourself first and make sure that you aren't pouring from an empty cup. It's ok to walk away from those toxic people who bring you down and cause chaos in your life.  If you don't think that you're a good person just look at how you treat others are you treating them with kindness and dignity regardless of their status in life? Start living by the golden rule of treating others how you wish to be treated, but also learning to match attitudes and niceness with what the other person with you brings. 

I hope that you have found value in this message and I hope that you have the most amazing day. I look forward to seeing you next week , remember to always be kind as it costs nothing.  If you see someone without a smile give them yours you really don't know whose life you could change.

Written by: Beautifulchaos318 


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