Mindful Monday

Good Morning and welcome to another amazingly beautiful Monday morning. Today I wanted to talk to you about kindness and how you can use kindness to motivate others to become better versions of themselves.

"Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle."- Charles Glassman

I was asked just yesterday why I am always so kind to others even if they aren't nice to me. My simple reply is we all struggle and you never really know what the other person is going through so when you spread kindness like glitter you actually have the ability to change other people's lives.  You never know  when your one random act of kindness can actually save someone's life and maybe even change it for the better. I also find that those who know what it's like to have no one there for you when you need them the most  tend to have a bit more compassion for others' struggles but that shouldn't stop us from trying to be there for others. 

I challenge you to find random acts of kindness to brighten someone's day.  Something so simple as a smile can go a long way as well making sure someone knows you see them and appreciate all they do. I promise kindness like smiles are contagious once started. 

As a mom who often has to take my kids to the store with me, I like to find a mom that's trying to juggle kids and you can tell she's trying to maintain her composure and  I  remind the kids to be nice to their momma and remind her that she's not alone and she's doing the best she can. Our homeless population is high here as we are a warmer state. I will get my friends together and make goody bags with food and drink and hand them out together. 

Remember that together we are stronger and can make the world a better place for the next generation. If you see someone without a Smile give them yours. 

Written by: Beatifulchaos318


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