Motivational Monday

Good morning, we have made it to another beautiful Monday. I hope that you had an amazing and an enjoyable weekend and took some time to unplug from your electronics, spend time with your family and friends and get back into nature.

Today I want to bring some encouragement to those who often get told they are too much for others to handle. Playing humble will have you overlooked, underpaid and underbooked. Talk about yourself and your skill set because how does anyone know what you can do if they don't see it and you don't say anything? Don't be afraid to take up space around you and move like the boss you are and let those who can't hold a candle to you be uncomfortable because they are jealous of you. You are more than enough and if the people around you can't see it then find a new circle of people who are not afraid of you living your best life. Those who will cheer the loudest for you and push you to get seen by the people who need your talents and aren't afraid to call you when they are winning because they know you will cheer even louder for them. We are beautifully and wonderfully made, each of us unique in our own ways, and no one should ask you to dim your light because you shine brighter than they do. Not everyone is going to like you and that is ok because the right people will love you. 

I hope that you have found value in this message and I hope that you have the most amazing day. I look forward to seeing you next week , remember to always be kind as it costs nothing.  If you see someone without a smile give them yours you really don't know whose life you could change.

Written by: Beautifulchaos318


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