Motivational Monday

Good morning, we have made it to another beautiful Monday. This is a special day as it is the beginning of a new year full of possibilities and adventure.

 I hope that you had an amazing Christmas week and an enjoyable weekend and took some time to unplug from your electronics, spend time with your family and friends and get back into nature.

Today I want to share something that really made me think it was quote from Nikita Gill she said " Breaking off pieces of yourself to fit into places will not help you belong it will only make you bleed"

I don't know about you but I am guilty of trying to break myself to fit in with other people without thinking about the damage I am doing to myself. We must take inventory of our lives and determine where we are just "trying" to fit in versus where we feel like we belong and our talents are our assets. It is ok to say no to the toxic people to protect your inner piece. Take the time for yourself learn to love everything about yourself and stop caring about the negativity others say.

I wish you nothing but love and prosperity into 2024 and I hope that you continue to chase your dreams and don't let anyone tell you that you can't achieve them. 

I hope that you have found value in this message and I hope that you have the most amazing day. I look forward to seeing you next week , remember to always be kind as it costs nothing.  If you see someone without a smile give them yours you really don't know whose life you could change.

Written by: Beautifulchaos318 


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