Mindful Monday

Good morning, we have made it to another beautiful Monday. I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend and took some time to unplug from your electronics and get back into nature. 

Today I want to share with you a quote I read over the weekend that really made me do some hard reflecting on myself. 

"Be like a tree. Stay grounded. Connect with your roots. Turn over a new leaf. Bend before you break. Enjoy your unique natural beauty. Keep growing " - Joanne Raptis 

Why is it so important to do these things?

 It's important to remain grounded to what brings you love, laughs and happiness so when things get tough you have a strong base like a trunk of a tree and remember to always stay rooted to your beliefs and your boundaries because no one should make you change who you are 

Turning over a new leaf is a big one because I know I'm horrible about wanting to change even if it's for the better. Sometimes a door closes so that a better one can open try to keep an open mind when this happens. 

Bending before you break is something that will take practice for as long as you live. It's so easy to give into letting our emotions take control but being able to master the art of not allowing other people's bad attitudes to affect our inner peace is important for your own sanity. 

Enjoy being your imperfectly perfect self because we are all unique and different and that's what makes us beautiful. Don't ever let anyone's opinion take your crown away. Stay beautiful and blessed. 

Keep growing and reaching for the stars because it's never to late to change the path you're on. Always stay hungry and learning as much as you can. 

I hope that you have found value in this message and I hope that you have the most amazing day. I look forward to seeing you next week. Remember to always be kind it costs nothing and if you see someone without a smile give them yours you really don't know whose life you could change.

Written by: Beautifulchaos318 


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