Mindful Monday

Good morning, we have made it to another beautiful Monday. I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend and took some time to unplug from your electronics and get back into nature.

I know when things are tough it's very easy to get discouraged and all you want to do is hide from the storm.

Today I want to remind you to always keep your chin up and your head held high during tough times because if you're looking down at the floor you won't see the many beautiful things right in front of you.

When we can start looking for the beauty even when things are tough it can help refocus or brains and help keep us going. 

I hope that you have found value in this message and I hope that you have the most amazing day. I look forward to seeing you next week. Remember to always be kind it costs nothing and if you see someone without a smile give them yours you really don't know whose life you could change.

Written by: Beautifulchaos318 


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